Community Living Services
Vinge Community Living Services provides specialized Residential, Day Program and Respite services for individuals with developmental disabilities and complex physical and/or mental health issues and for individuals with complex physical health issues. In addition, we also provide behavioural supports within two of our residential programs and day programs.
Our Community Living Services started in 1996 with the development of a individualized residential and day program for a young man with a developmental disability and complex health issues. We worked collaboratively with his family to create a service that demonstrated a true partnership between our organization, this young man and his family. From there, our Community Living Services have grown to seven residential programs (six that include day programs), two day programs and a respite care program.
Our Community Living Services, although specialized in supporting individuals with complex needs, have as its main goal: a safe and connected life in the community for all the individuals we support.
Our residential services provide comprehensive care around-the-clock. Our staff are well trained, well supervised and have 24/7 access to nursing judgment support if required.
Our day program services provide individualized support that “makes sense” for the individuals supported. Each individual’s day program is established with input from the individual (if able to provide input) and their family (or advocate). Programs are evaluated on a regular basis to assess program success and/or lack of success where changes/adjustments may be required.

Professional Nursing Consulting Services
Vinge Nursing Consulting Services provides specialized services supporting individuals with developmental disabilities and complex physical health issues and/or mental health issues, and individuals with physical disabilities and complex physical health issues.
These services include:
- Health care planning
- Health care plan development
- Health protocol development
- Staff training
- Health monitoring
- Health advocacy
- Transition support (from facility to community)
- Urgent consultation in ‘crisis’ type situations
The nurses develop a strong relationship and understanding with the individuals served though their daily schedules, attending individual-specific meetings, formulating health care plans, and providing consultations and training. The RN team also provides a 24-hour call support service.
Our Professional Nursing Consulting Services have received a three-year accreditation from CARF May 2018 which is our 5th consecutive three-year accreditation.

Training Services
Vinge provides organizations with a variety of training and staff education related to health and community living services.
We provide training in several methods:
- Via our Professional Nursing Consulting Services in the community living service area
- Staff training and education in such topics as seizure management, gastrostomy care and management, tracheostomy care and management, diabetes management, medication administration, dual diagnosis, Epi-pen administration, and psychotropic medication administration.
- Via our Professional Nursing Consulting Services in general health service area
- Staff training and education in such topics as gastrostomy (and other tubes) care.
- Custom designed staff education.
- Via Healthpoint Institute Inc.
- Staff training and education in workshop format where certification required and/or certificates of attendance at workshops required.
- Healthpoint Institute Inc. has trained thousands of staff in, medication administration, psychotropic medications (indications, effects, side effects), modified management of choking (wheelchairs), and more.