Vinge is contracted by Community Living BC, Ministry of Children and Family Development or Ministry of Health to provide a variety of services for individuals in care. These services include basic nutrition, shelter, transportation, medications covered by BC medical, and health care supplies.
Admission: Vinge provides programs and services for individuals with developmental disabilities who also have complex medical and behavioural concerns only when the services being provided can be done so safely while maintaining the appropriate levels of physical, emotional and medical support. No individual will be excluded from services solely on the basis of their status with the Provincial/Federal Justice System.
Ineligibility: During the admission process, an individual may be considered to be ineligible for services for the following reasons:
- lack of funding from a governing body
- after careful review and consideration, management and the team determines that they are not able to meet the needs of the individual
- Other unforeseeable reasons
Discharge or transitioning into a new program: All individuals under Vinge care shall have the option to make changes in their living arrangements. This can be done at the request of the individual, family/advocates, the funding body, or the President/Director of Services of Vinge.